Computer Archives - TodayTechMedia Latest Tech News Fri, 28 Oct 2022 01:43:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Troubleshooting 6 Common IT Issues Fri, 28 Oct 2022 01:43:11 +0000 Hypothetically, if an IT company in London received twenty support calls and had to categorise each call, it’s likely the problem is one of six issues listed below. Three of them are software problems, and the other three are hardware issues.  Unfortunately, there are times when the issue is both software or hardware-related, just to […]

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Hypothetically, if an IT company in London received twenty support calls and had to categorise each call, it’s likely the problem is one of six issues listed below. Three of them are software problems, and the other three are hardware issues. 

Unfortunately, there are times when the issue is both software or hardware-related, just to make your day interesting. 

Read on to become informed on basic fixes to the 6 most common IT issues seen by professionals. However, it still doesn’t hurt to have expert support on hand when disaster threatens to strike.

Your Computer Is Slow

If your computer is an older model (and if you’ve always had working, reliable anti-virus software and don’t download anything suspicious from the internet), it might be slow because its RAM is low. This means you have too little memory space in your computer to do anything new.

You have two possible solutions: buy more memory for your laptop or PC or download the data onto an external hard-drive for extra space. 

However, if you’re the type of person who:

  • rarely deletes anything 
  • has cookies saved for years
  • has a crowded desktop

That’s probably the cause of your slow computer.

Clear Your Cookies and History.

Delete anything saved you don’t need and all other temporary files. In this case, your hardware is slowing down because you’ve added too much software.

After doing this, if you find your pc is still running too slowly, it may be more economical to call a reliable IT support company than invest in a new computer.

Your Computer Keeps Crashing And/Or Restarting

This can be a software or hardware-induced problem. If it’s hardware-related, one of your network drivers could be at fault. It might be the graphics card or an issue in the motherboard. Regardless of which is the cause, don’t try to do anything yourself unless you know how to fix hardware. Once again, outsource for help or find an in-house IT specialist to do it.

A software-related issue can be due to malware or a problem with your OS. There’s a chance it can be solved by updating software. Check that your computer has had its updates and run a virus check to see if there’s something nasty hidden away. 

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Your Internet Is Slow

Many of us have old technology working hard beneath newer software systems. Using a perfectly good laptop that’s five years old is commendable, but problems can arise when your hardware no longer has the capacity to run newer systems

Another possible hardware issue is your hard disk starting to fail, which can cause your network to feel as though it’s crawling through heavy traffic. You’ll need your trusty IT person to check all hardware and ensure your infrastructure is as modern as it can be. 

One software issue that can cause your internet to run too slowly to get anything done is app drainage. This is when an app in the background is using the majority of your bandwidth. Head to your control panel to see how much each app uses, then decide if you truly need the ones that use the most.

For small businesses, you can make use of the “free quote and call out” service that some specialist IT companies offer. You’ll learn about what you need to do – or simply authorise them to do – to improve your systems and have a faster internet service.

Your Screen Goes Blue

The awful blue screen of death that unchangingly stares back at you for hours signals hardware problems. Instead of throwing your device against the wall in a fit of tech-rage, call an IT support company for help

Though it’s possible to get remote assistance, the blue screen of death has this particular reputation for a reason. Getting help sooner is better than later. 

Your Dialogue Box Says Corrupt Files

Corrupt files are usually software issues rearing their ugly heads. You might have downloaded a corrupted file or only partially downloaded a file, which is the cause of your hard drive crashing or the file not opening. 

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Your App Command Is Ignoring You

Usually, the app itself is the culprit if it won’t open. When more apps refuse to open, it’s more than likely a hardware issue causing the problem.

In the case of only one app failing, it might need an update or have a bug that needs fixing. Multiple apps failing can be related to your OS, which may be sorted out with an upgrade.

Sometimes, the solution is as simple as deleting the app and downloading again. Your data might get lost when you delete it, but it might also have saved backups in the cloud, depending on the app. 

Going to your control panel, you should find ‘programs and files’ and from there, you can see which apps you have, how big they are, and un-install them. 

Delegate to Those Who Specialise

In these times, tech literacy is as normal as traditional literacy and numeracy. It’s currently being taught in schools, and kids are becoming more conversant with technology than their parents. Don’t feel bad if you need help with IT issues, whether for business or for your personal life. 

Apart from teaching yourself some basic computer know-how in terms of troubleshooting, it’s wise to find a reputable company that can support you. Take the time to meet the right local PC support team, and in the future they can help fix any of your software or hardware issues remotely. 

The most common software and hardware issues can be solved quite quickly with minimal cost and fuss. Troubleshoot in confidence with these tips or delegate to those who can before a ‘problem molehill’ becomes a ‘problem mountain.’ 

Also Read: The Value of Social Listening as a Social Media Strategy

The post Troubleshooting 6 Common IT Issues appeared first on TodayTechMedia.

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Who Invented the Keyboard?The History of the Computer Keyboard. Thu, 23 Jul 2020 08:00:14 +0000 We do not imagine life without a keyboard , not only on our computer or using keyboards for tablets but also on our mobile phone where we usually have on the screen the different keys to communicate by WhatsApp, by Telegram, to write on Twitter, to upload photographs and captions to Instagram. But when do […]

The post Who Invented the Keyboard?The History of the Computer Keyboard. appeared first on TodayTechMedia.

We do not imagine life without a keyboard , not only on our computer or using keyboards for tablets but also on our mobile phone where we usually have on the screen the different keys to communicate by WhatsApp, by Telegram, to write on Twitter, to upload photographs and captions to Instagram. But when do we start using it? This is the history of the keyboard from the beginning of time.

Although a lot has changed from typewriters to mobile phones, where you just have to download an application, the history of the keyboard is hundreds of years old and has become fundamental in the day to day. From the layout of the keys and letters to the control buttons we find over the numbers, how did it all start? It has been a long time since we went by parts, by the beginning of time, by the first …

History of the Keyboard, From the Typographer to IBM

From the Typographer to the Typewriter

The first typewriter came in the 17th century, and Henry Mill filed a first patent in 1714 that might look like a typewriter, but nothing is known about it. It was in the year 1829 when the typographer arrived, which is considered the first typewriter although it had little or nothing to do with those that would arrive later but it is this one, created or patented by William Austin Burt on that date, which considered the first typewriter in history.

The models were advancing year after year with improvements in the speed of writing although none dedicated to a mass audience or to be focused from the commercial point of view. Until Christoher Sholes came along with Carlos Glidden or Samuel W. Soule with their QWERTY distribution . The inventor reached an agreement with the company Remington and Sons to market the first Sholes and Glidden typewriter. Until that day, it was a brand dedicated to sewing machines but everything changed from that year 1872 in which the production of the machine began in New York.

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Sholes and Glidden

From there and using the idea of ​​Sholes, many companies or engineers sought to copy the idea and launch a mechanical typewriter that would arrive at the beginning of the 20th century with the system that we all know: each key has a raised character and when pressed a key hard, the guy hits a tape and moves. For its part, the paper is placed in the back in a cylinder that moves with a lever as we change the line and make those “jumps” that you have surely seen in a movie.

Electric Machines

Mechanical machines were a world standard although a breakthrough came soon that would improve the way they were used: electric machines that did not need to move the roller manually but there was a motor that was in charge of moving it when a line was finished. They were not new, Edison had already used electricity for Edison Electric in the 1970s, but it was not the definitive idea until IBM launched the first electronic memory and magnetic stripe machine in 1965, the Electromatic. This way we got much more fluidity and speed and planted what would be the beginning of keyboards as you know them, the beginning of the present time in the history of the modern keyboard.

Beyond electric machines, keyboards that allowed the control of large computers began to arrive although they were not focused on personal use until IBM, in the eighties, standardized the use of these keyboards that we have all seen sometime, that we all know , which were the beginning of what it is today.

IBM Keyboards

In the early 1980s, IBM already worked on a keyboard that worked for computers and not for typewriters. In 1981, a different IBM keyboard was created: 83 keys in total , with 10 function keys on the left, with numeric keys on the right. A structure that seemed quite uncomfortable and that was being improved in the IBM AT. What changed? The ESC key moved to the numeric key part instead of the left part where it was before. It also changed some details such as that there were lights that indicated if the capital letters were activated, for example, something that remains until today.

But the key layout was still not working and with the AT 286/386 computer, IBM changed the original AT keyboard and removed the ten function keys on the right along with the ESC key. These went to the top, as you know now. They have been adjusted to the top and the cursors have been modified: from the top they have gone to the bottom right as they are now on most keyboards. Also, the enter key grew making it easier to press it continuously.

Bottom line, IBM switched from the 83-key XT keyboard to the 84-key AT keyboard until finally launching the expanded 101- or 102-key keyboard with the controls at the top, a larger enter button, and the cursor keys at the top. bottom right. This is the last, the principle of the keyboard that we all know, although its design usually changes in laptops or in the case of mobile phones. But, in general, the one that you can see in the photograph is the one that you will have seen the most times throughout your life and the one that is usually more comfortable, more complete and more useful.

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QWERTY Distribution

The distribution of typewriters was, from the end of the 19th century, with the same keys that you know, in the same order. It is something that has never changed in the history of the keyboard since its patent until today and you may have wondered why they are like this now. He wanted to be able to use both hands with the keyboard and that is why he opted for the patented QWERTY distribution in 1868 and designed by Christopher Latham Sholes. Sholes designed this system in order to write faster and was the one that was later copied by machine manufacturers and later by computer keyboards from all over the world.

What was the advantage of the QWERTY layout? In the typewriter there are bars that collide if we press them very quickly and we do not wait between them, having to unclog it continuously. If you have one or have seen it around the house, give it a try. With this arrangement of the keys, the pieces that occupied the same space were separated as much as possible: the characters we use the most, mind you, are on the sides of the keyboard, at the ends. In the center we have the keys that we usually use less. This prevented typewriter jams in its day, although today the system is much more different and technology has advanced, but the QWERTY is still with us even on mobile phone touch screens.


If you look at your computer or tablet keyboard (not on the mobile phone that is touchscreen) you will see that there is a small sign in the letters F and J. A line or some relief that lets you know that you are on it when you touch the key with your fingers without having to take your eyes off the screen. QWERTY keyboards are intended to use four fingers from each hand and thumbs for the space bar. These signals from the F and J keys help us to know where we have to have each hand placed, these two letters being the central ones. This way we can always find ourselves even though we cannot waste time looking away from the screen. Although it’s a helpful sign, we’re usually so used to typing that we don’t even realize it’s there.

Countries and Changes

As a curiosity, also, not all are the same. The one you have is the most common but there are changes in France and you bet on AZERTY, making everything different in terms of positions and you will see, if you have the chance to try it, that it will be complex and rare for you to type on a keyboard in this country . There are also slight changes in Germany where the Z is changed to the Y, with QWERTZ keyboard

There was also another provision at the beginning of the 20th century, the Dvorak keyboard that was patented in the year 1936 and that had the intention of putting the most common letters next and thus taking less time to get from one to the other and making it a more transition fast. But it was hardly successful and you will find very few.

Types of Keyboards Today

Today, beyond the keys or not and after years of technology and changes in the history of the keyboard, we find keyboards in all formats and with all designs, colored, folding, rolling, mechanical … They all have a Same goal, write, but not all are the same, have the same advantages or the same buttons, not all are for the same devices. There are them with cables and without them, there are portable and flat ones, there are mechanical ones, for gamers.

In general, although we will see that there are many types of shapes and as we have seen in the IBM design of the eighties, the keyboards have a function block (with the keys from F1 to F12), an alphanumeric block with numbers of 1 to 9 and with the alphabet in QWERTY format and special commands such as Shift, Ctrl, Win or the classic enter button. Also a special block that we usually see to the right of the keyboard and with keys like Delete, Start, End, RePag or AvPag and arrow keys under this block. And finally a numeric block that is not always there but that has a calculator format with numbers from 1 to 9 and that is usually activated with the Num Lock button.

But we can find all kinds of specific keyboards or models, differences in which we use every day and not only for its design or its size, whether or not they have colors. Some of the most common today are:

Membrane Keyboard

They are the most common, the most affordable, the most versatile. Most keyboards you will have around the house are membrane keyboards, although not all the conventional or old ones you have will have these characteristics. For example, and as a subsection, the IBM Model-M keyboard was launched in the eighties as one of the best keyboards in history, mechanical and quality.

Membrane keyboards are those that, as their name suggests, have a membrane under each key and all of them are connected. There are no mechanical elements on the keys and the letters go up when you press them thanks to the rubber underneath them. The pressure is the same throughout the key stroke and they are the most common thanks to the fact that they are the most affordable and there are many models. One of its main advantages is that they can be much thinner and finer than mechanical keyboards although it also has drawbacks and is that it usually lasts much less time and is more difficult to fix because we must repair the rubber. It is that rubber, also not very resistant since it deforms as its use increases.

Among the membrane keyboards we find those of Apple, for example, and all kinds of affordable wireless keyboards that you can find for sale.

Mechanical Keyboard

Each key has an individual mechanism or switch that controls the key pressure and response time. The best known mechanisms are the Cherry MX (although not the only ones) and they usually differ in color. There are some designed to write long texts quickly, as is the case of the Cherry MX Blue with a stroke of 2 millimeters of activation and 4 millimeters of base stroke and with two parts in the mechanism that allows us to write without tiring our wrists. There are many different mechanisms focused on different needs and the main advantages of mechanical keyboards are precisely this: their specialization since each one is designed for exactly what you are looking for

In general, and if you buy the right one, they are faster and much more resistant keyboards that will last you longer. The keys have great quality and we also find better quality in the construction of the keyboard itself. Also, another advantage over membrane keyboards is that it is enough to change one key independently if it breaks and you won’t have to change the entire keyboard. The only drawback we found is that they are noisier and take up more, they are more difficult to carry than others that are lighter, portable or even foldable.

Portable or Tablet Keyboards

The tablets have their own on-screen keyboard, but the keyboards for tablets are designed to work as a more comfortable complement if you usually use the device to write. For example, there are some that are incorporated into the cover that makes a lectern in turn or there are rollable ones that we can also wash or wet without problem and are usually made of plastic or silicone that does not suffer damage even if we take it anywhere. There are also folding ones that allow us to carry them in a pocket, folding over themselves and taking up little space.

Video Editing Keyboards

There are special keyboards for people in charge of video editing although they are just one example of the many specific keyboards that we find on the market. They are not intended solely for professionals and there are options for 100 or 150 euros that you can buy on Amazon. Beyond the classic QWERTY layout, they have different colors that allow us to access different commands and shortcuts without having to do everything manually. You will find many models and they can be useful if, for example, you use Adobe Premiere.

Mobile Keyboards

Mobile keyboards have become some of the most used on a daily basis to send infinite messages by WhatsApp , for example. Not all are the same. There are them similar to the physical and conventional ones, in which you will have to play the keys one by one and usually helping yourself with the autocomplete or the predictive keyboard that completes the words and thus saving you time when typing it. But there are also the swype keyboards that have a similar appearance on the screen but that change the operation: you can make a journey with your finger without lifting it from the screen and the word you want will automatically be created.

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The post Who Invented the Keyboard?The History of the Computer Keyboard. appeared first on TodayTechMedia.
