Sales Archives - TodayTechMedia Latest Tech News Mon, 26 Sep 2022 01:58:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Daily Routine for a Sales Professional Mon, 26 Sep 2022 01:58:19 +0000 Daily Sales Habits of Successful Salespeople As a sales rep, you sure have your hands full with multiple responsibilities to be fulfilled, deadlines to be met, and targets to be achieved. It can be quite difficult to get everything done and every demand fulfilled. You could find yourself fighting for time and running behind schedule! […]

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Daily Sales Habits of Successful Salespeople

As a sales rep, you sure have your hands full with multiple responsibilities to be fulfilled, deadlines to be met, and targets to be achieved. It can be quite difficult to get everything done and every demand fulfilled. You could find yourself fighting for time and running behind schedule! You may be left wondering, “Is this life?” How do I cope with it?”

Well! You will be surprised to know this is not just your story, most professionals in different areas also find themselves short of time and trying to complete too much in too little time!

But are we really short of time? Is there no respite?

In this article, I will try to help sales professionals plan their day so that they are able to do justice to their responsibilities.

The first and foremost thing that any sales rep needs to realize is that time is limited and time management or in other words, how effectively you utilize your time is the key to being successful.

Also Read: Tactics to Consider if You Are Not Happy With Your Sales Numbers

So, How Does One Use Time Effectively?

Planning is the foundation to effective time utilization. At the end of each day, a sales rep has a clear idea of the tasks that he needs to accomplish the next day. Most sales reps are hassled because they try to accomplish too much in too little time. Many think that by multitasking they will be able to complete more work.

Unfortunately, the truth is far from it! As a sales rep, you need to give focused attention to each task. You can split your time into 90 minute slots and focus on each one of them. Also, while allocating 90 minute slots, a sales rep needs to bear in mind, certain tasks are best completed at certain times of the day. Timing is vital in the field of sales.

Some Useful Tips:

It is a good idea to list down all the tasks for the next day and prioritize them according to the best time to complete them.

It is said that, “The early bird catches the worm.” Therefore, it is advisable that a sales rep starts his day early. Getting started early in the morning has its own set of benefits for an individual.

The ideal daily sales routine for professional could be:

Waking up around 7 am followed by light physical exercises.


Complete the morning routine and ensure that he does not skip breakfast.

While planning his day, the sales rep needs to bear in mind, the time when decision makers in clients’ companies are most receptive. This is usually between 8-9.30 a.m and 4-5.30 p.m. Therefore, he should keep these timings aside for making calls.

After making the necessary calls or meeting clients, the sales professional can spend some time responding to emails, sharing content on social media, etc.

Following this, he can allocate some time to plan and strategize communication in the next outreach between 4-5.30p.m.

After planning for his afternoon outreach, the sales rep should take a short break. This could include lunch, some breathing exercises, catching up with friends and family, etc. Most sales professionals miss out on this aspect. They are so bogged down by their responsibilities that they don’t believe in taking a break. Many even skip their lunch so as to stay on schedule. 

However, taking a short break and refreshing is a necessary part of the schedule because after all, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!”

When the mind gets refreshed, it gets new ideas as well. This definitely has a positive impact on the tasks to be completed.

Post lunch, the sales rep can once again take a look at his email, if it needs attention. He can also share content and social media posts. At this time he can review the responses of the audience to the posts and content shared by the company.

The sales rep can utilize this time to convey the feedback collected on the campaigns by the company to the marketing team so that they can work on it.

By then it will be the time for the next outreach which is between 4-5.30p.m. The sales rep can connect with clients.

The Bottom-Line

A sales rep has a number of tasks to be completed on any given day. It can be difficult to do justice to all of them. However, proper planning and a systematic approach can help a sales professional in achieving his goals.

Also Read: How Zen Cart Development Can Benefit Your Business?

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5 Tactics to Consider if You Are Not Happy With Your Sales Numbers Mon, 04 Jan 2021 05:54:00 +0000 Sales are the entire purpose of a for-profit business. Sales are what generate revenue. If you are a business owner, you know that your business cannot survive, let alone grow without sales. Spectrum needs to keep selling Spectrum triple play bundles. McDonald’s needs to keep selling Big Macs. Sales, and ultimately profits, are the bottom […]

The post 5 Tactics to Consider if You Are Not Happy With Your Sales Numbers appeared first on TodayTechMedia.

Sales are the entire purpose of a for-profit business. Sales are what generate revenue. If you are a business owner, you know that your business cannot survive, let alone grow without sales. Spectrum needs to keep selling Spectrum triple play bundles. McDonald’s needs to keep selling Big Macs. Sales, and ultimately profits, are the bottom line for any business. How effective your sales depend on a number of factors. These include your sales strategy, your price points, your customers and your product or service. 

5 Tactics to Boost Sales

One thing that every business owner or manager knows is that you need to constantly expand your customer base. This means finding new prospects to convert into customers. The internet is an obvious resource to find new prospects. After all, billions of people use smartphones, emails, social media, and streaming services. This makes the internet a valuable and cost-effective medium to reach a wider audience. But what if your efforts are not yielding the best results? Maybe you need a more effective way to get more conversions. Here are five tactics that can help you do that:

  1. Analyze and identify
  2. Prioritize feedback
  3. Adjust price points
  4. Add multiple channels
  5. Authority marketing 

Analyze and Identify

If you’re not getting the sales you expect, there must be a problem somewhere. Which means you need to identify it before you can address it. This is where the business data you have accumulated comes in handy. You need to figure out what problems people face in finding or buying your product/service. Are you targeting the right audience? Do you know their preferences? What are their expectations? You can find the answers to these questions in your data. Use it to define what your customers’ need and want. Then try to identify the problems in meeting these needs and wants. Your customers don’t just buy your product or service, but also the perceived benefits that come with it. You need to know what benefits you can offer your customers to know what is preventing people from purchasing them.

Prioritize Feedback

Customer feedback is a very powerful piece of information that can help you in the long run. You need to prioritize getting feedback from your customers. In the digital age, consumers view the ability to review a product as their voice. If you can convince them you are paying attention to their feedback, they feel valued. Building a sense of value and trust will help you accumulate a larger customer base. This obviously means more conversions. You need to take as feedback from these conversions as possible. Use this feedback to market your product/service as well as improve your sales process. 

Adjust Price Points

In an age of intense competition, prices can be a dealmaker or a dealbreaker. No matter how good your product or service is, the price needs to be right. Your audience won’t respond to your product/service if they feel the price is too high. This is why you need to revisit your pricing strategy if your sales are not meeting your expectations. Luckily, there are some simple ways to do that. Over-the-counter price optimization applications let you optimize your price points without too much time and effort. Using your accumulated business data, the software can help you determine the most competitive price. This could help you give customers the reason they need to buy your product. Especially if you can make them focus on the benefits they get at that price. 

Add Multiple Channels

The internet gives you access to a much wider audience than was available in the past. But there are many channels within the internet to market your product or service. It is usually good practice to sell on two or more channels, depending on your audience and your product/service. One benefit of the internet is that most, if not all, of these channels, are free. The more channels you sell on, the more people you reach. Obviously, the more people you reach, the more your conversions increase. Look into e-commerce models like Amazon. They can sell your products to a much wider audience than you could reach with your website. 

Authority Marketing 

Establishing your business as an authority or leader in the industry is one way to stay ahead of the competition. When your audience perceives you as an authority, any message you are conveying is amplified. But to develop that authority, you need to play a long-run game. This includes several areas you need to focus on. Why do Spectum packages sell? Because the company is seen as an authority in the field. How did it achieve that status? Through a focus on: 

  • Branding
  • Content marketing
  • Referral marketing
  • Lead generation
  • PR and marketing
  • Events

You might not be able to do all of these on the exact same scale. But with consistent focus, you may get there someday.

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The post 5 Tactics to Consider if You Are Not Happy With Your Sales Numbers appeared first on TodayTechMedia.

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