Bitcoin Archives - TodayTechMedia Latest Tech News Fri, 05 Nov 2021 03:16:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Best Way To Invest In Crypto Wed, 06 Oct 2021 10:54:04 +0000 Cryptocurrency is a great asset to invest in at the moment, as the market continues to increase and more currencies are being developed. As we come closer to what is expected to be a completely digital future, cryptocurrencies are allowing traders to get ahead of the game and learn how things will work one day. […]

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Cryptocurrency is a great asset to invest in at the moment, as the market continues to increase and more currencies are being developed. As we come closer to what is expected to be a completely digital future, cryptocurrencies are allowing traders to get ahead of the game and learn how things will work one day.

Those who take their crypto trading seriously will be looking for a reliable way to preserve the long-term value of their assets and ensure that their current efforts are not put to waste.

There are some good options out there for funds and accounts that can store cryptocurrency, but a self-managed super fund is the best.

What Is A Self-Managed Super Fund?

An SMSF cryptocurrency account is a way to preserve the long-term value of digital assets, and it can also be a viable option for those looking to start a retirement portfolio.

They are an increasingly popular investment structure that is especially useful for cryptocurrencies. Investing in an SMSF allows traders to take advantage of the generous tax structures in place for crypto as well as helping to maintain the value of assets long term.

A self-managed super fund is a form of a retirement account that provides tax benefits and privileges to members. They are a great structure to use for cryptocurrencies, and it is estimated that there are over half a million SMSFs in Australia currently.

SMSFs can be used for a range of assets, but they are currently very popular for those in the crypto trade industry as they can be a great fund to maintain the value of cryptocurrencies.

How To Open An SMSF

If you are looking to start your retirement portfolio and want a reliable way to preserve the value of your digital assets, then a self-managed super fund is a great way to go.

They can be easy to open if you go through a reliable source such as Swyftx, which has partnered with New Brighton Capital to allow for their users to invest in SMSFs. This makes it easy to apply for a self-managed super fund if you are already a member of Swyftx due to their connection with this banking partner.

Before you can be given an SMSF, you must first apply to the ATO for approval. 

With a Swyftx account, which is an online exchange platform that supports over 250 digital assets, it will be easy to apply for an SMSF as you already have an account that the funds will be transferred from.

Once this paperwork has been completed and you have been approved for a self-managed super fund, you will then need to open a bank account that can be used in transfers to this new account, connect your Swyftx account, and create new data leads.

An SMSF, once set up, can be a great tool for crypto-traders as it can help you see long-term benefits and tax privileges from your current efforts in the industry. 

Also Read: Staking vs. Lending Crypto: Which is Best for You?

The post The Best Way To Invest In Crypto appeared first on TodayTechMedia.

How the Bitcoin as a Cryptocurrency in USA Thu, 13 May 2021 05:59:37 +0000 Many people have been asking the question lately, how the Bitcoin as a Cryptocurrency in USA functions. First of all, let us look at how money is transferred and how it’s done in the country. In this day and age, most countries around the world are moving towards more electronic means of transaction, and digital […]

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Many people have been asking the question lately, how the Bitcoin as a Cryptocurrency in USA functions. First of all, let us look at how money is transferred and how it’s done in the country. In this day and age, most countries around the world are moving towards more electronic means of transaction, and digital currencies are slowly but surely taking a big portion of this market. Now, let’s look into how digital currencies work.

A digital currency is a kind of currency that doesn’t use one main bank or country to back it up. Instead, it works with a network of banks and computers where each one acts as a “bank” that holds your money. The way it works is like this: you send some money from your computer (digital currency) to your friend’s computer (digital wallet). Your friend, who has the private key, can give this money to some other digital wallet to complete the transaction and release your money. Your friend will hold your money until his order comes through, which generally happens within a matter of hours.

There are many reasons why digital currencies are becoming so popular. One reason, of course, is the privacy that they provide. There is no need for a third party to know about your transactions because the parties are using different methods and using a variety of software to protect their privacy. Another reason is that there is no need for an intermediary. All transactions are made between two parties directly, which reduces the chances of corruption in the system, which, over time, can lead to government intervention and the ability to depreciate the value of your digital currency.

How the bitcoins as a Cryptocurrency in UK actually works from an investor’s point of view requires little technical knowledge. There are three distinct phases of the process. The first is the startup period, during which the new coins are mined. During this time, no government laws or tax rules are in place. This is the safest period for investments, because nobody knows what the government will do or if the taxes will be levied on newly mined coins.

The second phase of how the bitcoins as a Cryptocurrency in UK actually functions begins once the value of the new coins have begun to rise. During this time, the mining period can end and the profit potential can begin. The third and final phase of how the bitcoins as a Cryptocurrency in UK actually works is during the maturity period. At this point, you can sell your mined coins for actual cash or invest in new coins.

During the startup period, it is best to mine for a little bit before investing in larger quantities. Mining in the second or third stage can help with increasing the value of your investment, but it is not necessary. You can also sell any unsold coins when the value has increased during the time that you were collecting them. The last phase of how the bitcoins as a Cryptocurrency in UK actually functions is the maturity period. It is during this period that the larger chunks of the coins are no longer needed and can be sold for cash or spent on new coins.

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What is Bitcoin? – CNNMoney – Business Thu, 15 Apr 2021 07:51:31 +0000 Bitcoin is a digital payment currency that utilizes cryptocurrency (a digital medium of exchange) and peer-to-peer (P2P) technology to create and manage monetary transactions as opposed to a central authority. The open source Bitcoin P2P network creates the bitcoins and manages all the bitcoin transactions. Often referred to as “cash for the Internet,” Bitcoin is one of several popular digital payment […]

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Bitcoin is a digital payment currency that utilizes cryptocurrency (a digital medium of exchange) and peer-to-peer (P2P) technology to create and manage monetary transactions as opposed to a central authority. The open source Bitcoin P2P network creates the bitcoins and manages all the bitcoin transactions.

Often referred to as “cash for the Internet,” Bitcoin is one of several popular digital payment currencies along with Litecoin, Peercoin and Namecoin.  When the word Bitcoin is capitalized, it usually refers to the software and systems used for bitcoin (in lowercase it means the actual currency).

Bitcoin History

Bitcoin is considered the biggest cryptocurrency. It was first introduced in 2009 and is the most widely-traded cryptocurrency. Bitcoin as an implementation of the cryptocurrency concept was described by Wei Dai in 1998 on the cypherpunks mailing list. Dai suggested a new form of money that uses cryptography to control its creation and transactions, rather than a central authority. In 2009, the Bitcoin specification and proof of concept was published in a cryptography mailing list by Satoshi Nakamoto. As noted in the Official Bitcoin FAQ, Satoshi Nakamoto left the project in late 2010 without revealing much about himself.

How Bitcoin Works

Payments are made via a Bitcoin wallet application that resides on a user’s computer or mobile device, and a person only needs to enter the recipient’s Bitcoin address information and payment amount before pressing send to complete payment.

Bitcoin Mining

New bitcoins are created by a competitive and decentralized process called “mining”. Bitcoin miners are processing transactions and securing the network using specialized hardware and are collecting new bitcoins in exchange. The Bitcoin protocol ensures new bitcoins are created at a fixed rate, making the process of bitcoin mining a very competitive business.

According to eWeek, efforts to improve Bitcoin mining are now under way, working under the basic assumption that the cheaper you can mine Bitcoins, the more money you can make.

Bitcoin Security

While attackers are going after Bitcoin-related sites, there is an important distinction between the security of the Bitcoin network and the Bitcoin exchanges. According to, no one has ever found a critical vulnerability within the Bitcoin protocol itself that would allow a user within the Bitcoin network to fraudulently create coins or forge transactions. That said, there have been compromises of various Bitcoin exchanges throughout the virtual currency’s lifetime, and as the value of a Bitcoin increases, so does the risk in using exchanges.

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How To Earn Cash with Bitcoin Fri, 17 Apr 2020 14:30:52 +0000 For most of us, it wasn’t that long ago in real terms that we were asking the question, Bit what? Rather than using it and even strategizing on how to profit from it. Ever since the inception of Bitcoin way back in 2009 by the mysterious individual, or individuals, Satoshi Nakamoto, it has been the […]

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For most of us, it wasn’t that long ago in real terms that we were asking the question, Bit what? Rather than using it and even strategizing on how to profit from it. Ever since the inception of Bitcoin way back in 2009 by the mysterious individual, or individuals, Satoshi Nakamoto, it has been the subject of furious debate; is it for real, is it even legal, and will it last? Bitcoin is not regulated in the way that traditional currency is, as it is not tied to central reserve and does not have a single government legislating on it. However, the code behind the blockchain encryption has a set of rules which could be interpreted as a form of regulation. But as a cryptocurrency, the idea behind it is a financial one, and so the aim must be to make money. How to earn money using Bitcoin is a much-debated one, and here we are going to look at how to earn cash by engaging in trade.


The process of ‘mining’ for new Bitcoin is a way to make money, and it’s essential to how Bitcoin itself works. Effectively miners are verifying that Bitcoin transactions are legitimate in a time-consuming process that gives a potential reward of new Bitcoin. But the catch is that more than one miner can be working on this verification process at the same time, meaning that there is no guarantee to be rewarded by engaging in this task.

Trading (& Being Lucky)

Bitcoin can be traded, just like any traditional currency, and if you time it right with the correct amount of luck, then you can make a profit through trading. You simply find a good place for bitcoin arbitrage, then you pick a time to trade, when the prices are suitably low and buy the required amount of Bitcoin. The difficulty in trading Bitcoin, or any other cryptocurrency, is that in comparison to traditional currency, the price is significantly more volatile, and this makes it more of a guess-work endeavor.

Accepting it as Currency

There is another, more traditional way to make money using Bitcoin, which is to accept it as payment. Many businesses, particularly online, are doing this, such as these casinos. Mostly the type of companies that can thrive taking Bitcoin payments are those that appeal to the alternative or risk-taking crowd. One big issue with this is that to spend a lot of the profits, you might need to convert them to traditional currency, and the volatility in the price we mentioned earlier makes this problematic.

Discreet Transactions

It’s much easier to hide your transactions if you are using Bitcoin as it’s often portrayed as being anonymous, which isn’t entirely true. Still, it’s undoubtedly less easily traceable than traditional bank transfers. This can be useful for consumers that wish for something to remain private, such as someone buying adult materials or engaging the services of a legitimate escort service. It’s essential to make the distinction between discreet transactions and illegal ones, although some may use Bitcoin for illicit activities, we would never recommend this.

If you have a bitcoin and if you want sell your bitcoin check bitcoin online brokers

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