Website Archives - TodayTechMedia Latest Tech News Thu, 15 Dec 2022 01:48:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 8 Ways to Use AI Chatbots in Your Website Thu, 15 Dec 2022 01:48:43 +0000 While the foundation for this AI-based innovation was laid almost half a decade ago, this technology has finally picked up a pace, which is nowhere near slowing down any time soon. As businesses worldwide are pushing forward to adopt the new technological changes and move ahead towards optimizing their online presence, various organizations are now […]

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While the foundation for this AI-based innovation was laid almost half a decade ago, this technology has finally picked up a pace, which is nowhere near slowing down any time soon. As businesses worldwide are pushing forward to adopt the new technological changes and move ahead towards optimizing their online presence, various organizations are now accepting this new means of digital communication as the main game-changer for their business.

While creating an AI chatbot for a business website might sound a bit intimidating, there is plenty of evidence that various companies are leveraging their benefits for business, thus making them the new hot topic of today’s web technology.

It has become evident in the past few years that chatbots can indeed revolutionize online communication. With ever-growing expectations of users from a website, chatbots have been working wonders in supporting sales, custom app development services, data collection, and management by trying to deliver users with a near-similar quality of experience that they would have got by visiting an actual brick-and-mortar store.

Businesses now are involving more in incorporating such smart chatbots over websites, to influence their revenues and overall customer experience. In fact, a number of websites have been successfully putting the use of such chatbots to improvise more from the sales channels while also providing rich user experience. The best part, rather than sticking to delivering traditional quality customer support to their visitors, websites are now making use of AI chatbots in several ways right from delivering an easy means of navigation, to working on a reactive basis and providing the users with the necessary, at the right place, and in real-time.

However, while its implementation over platforms such as Facebook has found its own prominence, there are plenty of other techniques and logic of using the same piece of technology over websites.   Here are 8 ways to use AI chatbots on your website.

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Integrating Chatbots to Support sales-related processes

deploying smart chatbots at various steps of the buying process can highly impact your business ROIs.

From gathering leads to qualifying valuable prospects for the sales team, AI chatbots have found quite a handful of innovative solutions to pace up the sales over websites.

Using AI chatbots to deliver a better overall experience

You can use AI chatbots to impact the overall experience of first-time users. These bots can be made capable of performing active and real-time user-perception analysis for delivering a high-end personalized experience to the user. Chatbots are also a great means of enhancing the search and navigation experience of a user. This also serves as an added benefit for service-based and e-commerce industries where these bots are being used to analyze user intent while delivering them with satisfactory solutions when it comes to product or service related queries.

Using AI Chatbots As A Means of Form Replacement

AI chatbots have enabled the implementation of interactive marketing campaigns for form submission and data collection. While the scenario of a user bouncing back after encountering a list of form queries is common, using a bot ‘smartly’ will not only ensure reduced bounce rates but will also improve the user experience while congenially acquiring useful pieces of information from the user. This technique can be effective in collecting potential data for user acquisition and lead generation.

Refine Prospects and Help them Connect with the Right Resource Person

AI-based live chatbots are quite efficient in refining prospects and redirect them to the right resource person. these chatbots can be useful in delivering your sales team a more qualified lead. Moreover, other data so collected can then be further used by the sales team to prepare better and reach a step towards assuring a conversion. This lead-engagement tool has proven to save both the time and resources of the businesses while attaining better prospects and their relevant information that has been effectively helpful in client conversion.

Leveraging Unparalleled Advantages for Customer Services and User Engagement

Chatbots have been changing the game lately especially in terms of customer services and user engagement, and in fact, it is customer services that are considered the actual phase where tech-experts and businesses realized its true potential in supporting business activities.

Being in a market where more than half of the users expect 24×7 customer support, AI Chatbots has been working wonders in delivering high-end customer services and has been a great means of resolving most chat sessions without actually requiring human involvement. This has drastically reduced the actual resolution time, as well as the need for active human resources for handling such issues.

Besides being able to solve queries, implementation of these bots allows us to quickly resolve simple queries such as provide the user with product or services information, update them on shipping and delivery related information among various others. A survey indicates that almost 35% of consumers expect to use a chatbot for resolving minor issues and queries, and in the 21st century where business is all about delivering high-quality customer experience, you might consider adding a chatbot to your business website to further spruce up user’s interactivity and overall experience while visiting your business on a virtual platform.

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Use Reactive Chatbots For Supporting User-Retention

A user that is at a product page does not share the same intent as the one visiting your About Page or Contact page. Therefore, it is necessary for businesses to accurately presume the basic user intent and react to them accordingly. Reactive smart chatbots have been helping various businesses in incrementing their conversion rate while delivering them with proper support and contributing to user retention. For instance, providing support while sensing that the user may abandon the cart or suggesting a new set of alternatives or similar products when a user adds or removes a product to the cart can be a few common examples.

Add More Resources for a More Personalized Experience

While the use of multimedia elements is yet to gain popularity, it is quite evidently being used over a variety of travel and tourism websites where these bots are being taught to use high-quality images and such multi-media elements to deliver a rich and personalized user experience. One such use of this can be seen while accessing the Emirates chatbot which uses such multi-media elements to support its chats.

Using Local Language for More User Engagement

While it is possible to have a smart bot that connects with people and potential prospects in the most common, English language, it is also possible to program them and deliver users with support in their local language. This method has been quite successful in enlarging the outreach of a brand and business to untouched demographics of users while overcoming the barrier of language communication.  More personalization at this level gives businesses a better opportunity to connect with their customers and create a lasting impact at the same time.

Using Cross-Channel Communication for Overall User Engagement

Another major use of AI chatbots over a website can be that these can be used to further extend communication on other channels such as facebook messenger, or Wechat or Skype, and such platforms while conserving the value points from previous conversations. While working on your initial conversation, you can easily reach a wrap-up point and further handle things over user convenient platforms such as Facebook or WhatsApp. This helps businesses encompass various means of cross-channel communication while considering user preferences. However such cases need defining the middle layer structure that lies between the other platform and the user.

While AI-enabled chat bots are being implemented over websites, businesses and tech-experts are still working on discovering new ways of integrating these tools with even more innovation. Though the main task of these bots has been to support and enhance customer experience, their usage is going to expand with more businesses expecting to churn up the user expectation of “interacting with a chatbot” and deliver their business with better user retention, revenues, and impact branding.

Also Read: How Cybersecurity Affects Your SEO

The post 8 Ways to Use AI Chatbots in Your Website appeared first on TodayTechMedia.

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10 Reasons Why Your Website Should Have a Simple Design Fri, 14 Oct 2022 02:04:36 +0000 A strong online presence is guaranteed by a clean and neat website. In today’s world of rapid digital technology development, all businesses are looking to thrive online. To be able to make a strong business online, a good website is very important. For this task, you as a business owner can hire the best website […]

The post 10 Reasons Why Your Website Should Have a Simple Design appeared first on TodayTechMedia.

A strong online presence is guaranteed by a clean and neat website. In today’s world of rapid digital technology development, all businesses are looking to thrive online. To be able to make a strong business online, a good website is very important. For this task, you as a business owner can hire the best website design company in Mumbai. Each of these firms will have their own principles and styles of web design. But, the trend for this year suggests that the best option for any web design company in Mumbai, Delhi or any other city is to go for simple and clean website design. Here are some reasons:

Looks Clean: A cluttered design with a lot of elements is very tough to read through. It can often distract the potential client about how to navigate to the exact information they are looking for. Hence, simple design makes your website look very clean and neat wherein all the important information is added. This makes it faster and easier for any client to navigate through your website.

Simplicity Is Timeless: Any good website design company will agree to the fact that simple web design is timeless and classy. Although the designers are presented with a plethora of options today, increasing the elements in the design and making the website look crowded can be less impressive than a simple and sleek design. 

Professional Feel: A simple design will always remove that element of you trying to market or sell your idea, but instead will give it a more professional look and feel to your website. The clients trying to learn more about your business through your website will experience a clean and simple design that will give them an impression of your professionalism.

Loads Faster: Your website loading time is always very important in today’s age of wanting everything at this instant. Today people do not like to wait for anything, including the loading of a website. If your website has a simple design, then its loading time will be less allowing the user to access all the information on your website at this instant.

Improves Conversion Rates: A clean and simple design will show that you are very serious about your brand and business. It has been proven to improve the conversion rates of your leads to potential customers. Any website design company in Mumbai or any other city will make sure that your design is appealing to all your customers in order to enhance the business. 

Easier to Build: Simple designs often translate to less work and more profit. They are easy to design and easier to fix. When your website is massive and cluttered with a lot of elements, it is often difficult to debug the potential problems. Hence, choosing a simple design will help the designers and debuggers of any web design company to design and also fix it faster.

Cheaper to Host: For all those who are familiar with web design and hosting, it is not an unknown fact that hosting a simple design is cheaper. Having massive elements and all extra things will definitely take a lot of money and also space on the server. Hence, any good web design company will make sure that they design a sleek, simple and clean website for you to save your money!

Gives a Great First Impression: Your business website is basically your visiting card to most of your potential clients. Within a few seconds of visiting your website, the users will form an impression about your business and brand. Hence, a good first impression is very important. A simple website with fast loading time and a larger focus on your brand will give a great first impression to all your clients.

Focus on Content: When a lot of graphics and multimedia are not present on your website, all the focus will go towards the excellent content on your website. A simple design will allow the user to not get distracted and know more about the detailed content on the website. You can also add in a number of user actions that will be more visible in a simple design, which will compel your users to interact with you!

Builds Trust: When you provide your customers with simple options to choose from wherein they can directly focus on what is important and what is not, a trust factor is built among you and them. Professional feel, simple design and brand focus – all these will lead to a long-term relationship of your business with potential customers!

Hope these reasons are genuine and compelling enough to make you hire a professional website designing company in Mumbai, Delhi or any other place. Make sure you follow all the above points in order to design an impressive and simple web design to attract maximum clients!

The post 10 Reasons Why Your Website Should Have a Simple Design appeared first on TodayTechMedia.

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