
Checklist for Going Back to Schools

Although the Covid-19 pandemic hasn’t been over yet, things seem to be getting back to normal. Schools and colleges have begun restarting the sessions for the students. It included all the reopening and unlocking guidelines authorized by the government. 

When the teachers, caretakers, guardians, and students go back to tk the schools and colleges to resume their studies, they will have to follow specific rules and regulations

The situation of Covid-19 has induced all the institutions to plan differently for the school students by taking care of necessary safeguards required by government guidelines. These new policies in the checklist shall prevent the students from catching coronavirus and maintain their good health. 

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Changes in classroom structures

There have been specific changes in the classroom structure of the schools and colleges. These changes will positively assist in preventing the spread of Covid-19 not only amongst the students but also other staff working in the schools. 

For the upcoming school sessions, the following shall be the attendance arrangement for students:

  • Cohorts

Students and teachers of every grade or class shall be divided into several groups. These groups shall spend the entire day of school together and will not be allowed to make physical interactions with anyone other person or group. Even if minimal interaction is permitted, it shall be as per the guidelines for emergency purposes only. This structure can minimize risks if all the instructions are diligently followed. 

  • Virtual

In the virtual classroom structure, all the teachers and students will stay at home until the pandemic is over. All the classroom learning, tests, sessions, and submissions will be made through an online medium. There will also be video lectures and doubt sessions with teachers too. This structure is best suited for those schools which are situated in areas with highly spread cases of Covid-19. 

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  • Hybrid 

As the name suggests, this structure is a combination of both virtual and cohort systems. Here, the students can learn online by attending the video lectures and go to school on selected days. The course will depend entirely on the school authorities keeping in consideration the guidelines provided by the government. 

In-person home learning techniques 

Children have to be sent back to school with extensive care and precautions. There has to be a collaborative effort of parents and school authorities to prevent the spread of Covid-19. 

In many schools that reopened without following the guidelines strictly, Mass Fever Detection happened amongst the students. Since children are more prone to the disease, in-person home learning shall help them learn better without sacrificing their health. 

Managing stress amongst children 

The schools have made available video lectures, assignments, presentations, and notes to assist students in not wasting their school year. Students may go through stress and anxiety when the schools reopen. 

There will be a change in the environment. Hence, to prevent this stress, the government authorities have guided the schools and parents to provide mental health assistance and regular interactive sessions to take care of their mental health. 

Also Read: Learning and Writing as the Central Part of Education

Akansha Reddy

Akansha is a technology enthusiast and a writer with an incredible following among the leaders and decision-maker of the industry. She writes about technology, billing software, regulations and much more.

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