Instagram Archives - TodayTechMedia Latest Tech News Wed, 19 Oct 2022 01:01:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 6 Ways To Get More Views On Instagram Wed, 19 Oct 2022 01:01:27 +0000 You might have tones of followers on Instagram, but if, your posts do not get the views you want, what is the whole point of having that bombarding figure of followers? It’s like having a platter of tasty food right in front, but no one picks up a bite, how disappointing that would be? Let’s […]

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You might have tones of followers on Instagram, but if, your posts do not get the views you want, what is the whole point of having that bombarding figure of followers? It’s like having a platter of tasty food right in front, but no one picks up a bite, how disappointing that would be?

Let’s admit it, views are an integral part, like if your followers don’t see your posts, receive your message, how at all they are going to convert into your consumers? And that is the ultimate aim, right? Do you know video posts receive 38% more engagement than simple image posts, along with more than twice amount of comments?

So, what are you doing to boost your Instagram views? If you are following the same age-old techniques and expecting different results, it is sheer foolishness. Here’s a list of 6 result-driven ways to keep you updated with the recent tricks:

Post When Most Of Your Instagram Followers Are Online

If you are doing everything that’s needed to draft exclusive Instagram posts and still fail to attract views, it’s time you need to check your post timings! Let me tell you how Instagram actually works – so if your post is initially getting high levels of engagement, your posts are pushed up the hierarchy flying through the clutter, making you more discoverable.

So, this makes it all the more important to post when your followers are online. But an obvious question here is, how do you know when your followers are online? Keep a track, and use hit and trial method, analyze and then decide. Check out statistics related to your target segment or use apps that provide you a likewise service.

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Buy Instagram Views From Authoritative Websites

If your account is fresh, and you are starting with zero, it can be really nerve-wracking. As a fresher, there would be so many different aspects of your business that would demand attention apart from Instagram. At this point, authority websites that provide services that serve you with real Instagram views in return of small amount can be extremely helpful. Don’t worry, it is completely ethical and the process that they adopt is also totally organic build to help you give a kick-start on your Instagram journey!  

Give People What They Want

Customer is king, and one of the simplest things you could do to promote your brand is post content what your followers would want to see. When you do so, you have almost guaranteed yourself with greater views. This too, as previously discussed, would prioritize your post, push it up through feeds and make you more discoverable. But again, how do you know what people want? The answer remains the same. Go through the history of your own posts. They would give you valuable insights, details and answer the questions that you have been constantly asking yourself.

Also Read: Ways To Protect The Instagram Account From Being Hacked?

Use The Feature Of Instagram Stories

Instagram stories have caught all the rage nowadays. For those who do not know what they are, they are temporary pictures or videos you post, which disappear in 24 hours. Since their popularity is at its peak, they would help you to gain additional engagement and views than standard posts would.

Go Live Often

Again, like the Instagram stories feature, the ‘Live’ feature of Instagram has gained quite a name for itself. To get more views on Instagram, you need to connect with your audience. Going live is a great opportunity to do so. It usually starts with an interactive session and you could read the comments, questions or recommendations that your Instagram followers drop in almost instantly (and ofcourse, answer them to keep the conversation going). What makes it even better is that your followers will be notified as soon as you are online!

Use The Hashtag(#) Hack

Among my favorites, the hashtag feature is one of the easiest, yet most useful features of Instagram.  When you are using hashtags, you are actually increasing your audience size. Your post is not only visible to people who follow you but also to the people who follow the hashtag. This likely increases your engagement and your chances to get more views.

Apart from all the hacks mentioned above, one thing that remains constant is quality content – remember, if the content fails, everything else in the block would fall apart.

Also Read: Web Design Mistakes to Avoid for Engaging Traffic that Comes to Your Site from Instagram

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Explore the Top Reasons Why Businesses Choose to Be on Instagram Fri, 09 Apr 2021 12:08:20 +0000 With more than 1 billion monthly active users and 500 million daily active users, Instagram is the way to go for a business in 2019. We know that Instagram has certainly come quite a long way ever since its inception in October 2010. More and more businesses today are realizing the worth of being on […]

The post Explore the Top Reasons Why Businesses Choose to Be on Instagram appeared first on TodayTechMedia.

With more than 1 billion monthly active users and 500 million daily active users, Instagram is the way to go for a business in 2019. We know that Instagram has certainly come quite a long way ever since its inception in October 2010. More and more businesses today are realizing the worth of being on this powerful and versatile social media platform. 

We know that Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook had understood the real potential of this image-sharing app and so he bought Instagram for a whopping 1 billion dollars just a few months after it was launched. Instagram has gained phenomenal success and is a rapidly growing platform with 90 percent of the best businesses or brands present here. If your business seems to be still missing from this powerful marketing platform, you certainly need to be here to leverage the versatile and truly vibrant social media channel.

Instagram has been helping different business brands to boost the visibility and overall online presence of their products. This is the right time to include Instagram in your marketing strategy for fueling your endeavors. You are doing a huge disservice to your own brand by keeping it away from Instagram. Are you still not convinced enough to jump spontaneously on your Instagram bandwagon? You need to explore the reasons why your businesses must necessarily be on Instagram.

Web Users Spend Maximum Time on Instagram after Facebook

As per forbes the research findings by comScore reveal that US Internet users are spending almost 12 billion minutes every month on Instagram as compared to 230 billion minutes they are used to spending on Facebook every month. It seems that Instagram is gaining traction by the day and is one of the most frequently used platforms. Web users are increasingly spending more time on this amazing social media platform. However, businesses that are in search of image-oriented platforms are too happy to take the fullest advantage of this versatile platform. Instagram offers huge opportunities for businesses today to gain more and more free Instagram likes.

Also Read: Revenge of Mark Zuckerberg on Snapchat

Helps to Keep Tabs on the Competition

Instagram is a totally open platform; in fact, brands count on being open and transparent to attract more traffic on their profiles. As a newbie, you can gain valuable insights simply by observing how seasoned brands with great PR teams do their thing. Don’t let it take away from your personal style, but do use these insights to fine-tune your approach. 

Helps Businesses of All Sizes to Thrive on the Platform

A business could get massive engagement and a sheer boost in conversions with so many users on one single platform. Instagram is the best destination for all sorts of businesses whether large reputed companies or relatively smaller shops or one-man operations. However, even with the top-rated organizations, success does not come magically overnight. A dedicated marketing team could make things happen for a business by maintaining an active presence on the platform and consistently posting minimum once per day.

Facilitates Businesses to Earn Directly from the Platform

Instagram has actually evolved during the last few years and today there is a major focus on making a lot of money via effective product placement. Thanks to the latest Instagram feature called the shoppable posts, businesses are free to add tags straightaway to the product pictures with links which include price, product description, and the freedom to shop right away that would take the potential buyer directly to your online store.

Also Read: Business Guide to the Most Popular Social Media Apps

Best for Partnering with Influencers

When you are on social media, you come across usual viewers and a host of influencers. In this context, you must know that influencers are actually some of the reputed online celebrities who would often choose to promote your brand or business and take it patiently to the next level. 

Provides More Creative Avenues than Ever

Instagram has a relatively simple premise and limits you to share things in the form of photos or videos only. This limitation, in fact, means that creative folks can put all the more effort into the content to make it stand out from the rest. It is the perfect way to inject some of your personality and brand image into the content and really show potential customers what you are all about, what you stand for, and what you can provide for them. Occasionally, you can mix it up by doing interactive sessions, contests, shoutouts, and so on.


Instagram is growing steadily even as other social behemoths are stumbling or second-guessing themselves. By choosing not to jump on this bandwagon, you are missing out on millions of customers and new avenues to get the word out there that your brand is here to stay. It’s never too late to get in; you just have to know what to do.

Also Read : Photoshop And Its Digital Photography Revolution

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3 Instagram Rule Of The Thumb For Your Fashion Website Fri, 09 Apr 2021 11:48:06 +0000 Fashion website owners and brands use Instagram to their benefit. Then, it is a competitive and fast-paced world out there, where every move matters. A fashion website must drive quality traffic, sales, and grab the attention of fashion buffs, thus building a strong community surrounding the brand. It is not about being trendy alone but […]

The post 3 Instagram Rule Of The Thumb For Your Fashion Website appeared first on TodayTechMedia.

Fashion website owners and brands use Instagram to their benefit. Then, it is a competitive and fast-paced world out there, where every move matters. A fashion website must drive quality traffic, sales, and grab the attention of fashion buffs, thus building a strong community surrounding the brand. It is not about being trendy alone but your Instagram strategy for your fashion blog must spur a conversation, increase likes, share experiences, and sell your fashion garments and accessories. 

Instagram is the best social media site where users discover and share new things, places, products, services, and lifestyle experiences. Did you know that 80 percent of Instagrammers connect with a brand sometime or the other? Here are three rules for your fashion website growth: 

Fashion Content Strategy 

Instagram is photos and videos, offering fashion businesses the creativity and flexibility to sell more than just a necklace or earrings, but an elite lifestyle. Today, shoppers no longer browse for clothes and shoes by scrolling infinite studio images on a fashion website. Many renowned brands are now designing the ‘Shop from our Instagram’ segment on their website. If you are not using this strategy, do so now. 

Did you know that one-third of all Instagrammers have bought a garment they noticed on Instagram? Focus on strategies so that shoppers view your Instagram visuals and visit your product page to add items to their cart. You can learn more about Instagram marketing and fashion websites on platforms like Stormlikes

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Product Features On Instagram 

Instagram is the ideal photo-sharing platform to display your fashion brand’s style and new trends. It is equally important to share what makes your fashion garments, shoes, watches, and jewelry unique. 

The popular fashion websites use the 80/20 rule when implementing their content mix. They believe that 80 percent of the content to tell your fashion story and the remaining 20 percent promote your products or items. Then, you must use the right balance of informative and promotional content. Your Instagram feed should not annoy prospects with too many product promotions but pique their attention instead with visual storytelling used wisely throughout the content. 

These strategies matter and therefore, you must plan your Instagram content strategy to take your fashion website to the next level. 

Lifestyle Content 

Lifestyle content reigns supreme on fashion Instagram pages as well as websites. Instead of using standalone photos of your fashion garments, highlight how men and women would like to dress up at work, at a party, or when traveling. If you use lifestyle content and visuals, your website traffic may increase up to 12 percent provided you use appealing Instagram photos and videos. 

Bigger brands focus on their photo-shoots outdoors to display fashion garments, where the concept was inspired. For example, if you are selling beachwear, you can show people wearing Hawaiian shirts, sunhats, and boxers with a dreamy scene of the sea and the sand. 


Now that you have these ideas handy, implement these to boost the performance of your fashion website. It will eventually lead to increased traffic, followers, and sales. 

Also Read: Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs SEO

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