seo Archives - TodayTechMedia Latest Tech News Thu, 29 Dec 2022 02:10:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Getting a New York SEO to Boost Your Website Ranking Thu, 29 Dec 2022 02:10:53 +0000 New York City – popularly known as the city that never sleeps. In such a huge city and with several businesses looking to get as many fresh clients as desired, it really is challenging for most owners of businesses to keep up with all the other entrepreneurs. This is one reason why New York is […]

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New York City – popularly known as the city that never sleeps. In such a huge city and with several businesses looking to get as many fresh clients as desired, it really is challenging for most owners of businesses to keep up with all the other entrepreneurs. This is one reason why New York is also known as the city with competition that never sleeps.

Fortunately, in the present, business owners has now the capability to hire someone – a New York SEO – to boost up their business through an online platform.

Below are some things to note when considering in employing a New York SEO for your business.

A New York SEO Can Help You Gain Quality Customers…

When you need a certain type of service, you usually turn to Mr. Google for help and the top result or the very first website (which is not an ad) regarding the service you are looking for is the one you typically click. When your own business is not among the first (ideally the first) results, you may very well lose a significant number of prospective clients.

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Hire a SEO That Is Top Ranking…

It should be definitely emphasized that if you want your business to be ranked at the top or be among the first results when being searched, then you should hire a New York SEO that is also at the top rank. You cannot put your business in the hands of a SEO company who does not even know how to put their company at the top rank.

If you are already keen to get more earnings for your business then you can simply search it in Google and get started today, otherwise your business rivals will be much farther ahead from you.

The Need for a New York SEO

For every business that wishes to remain successful today, setting up and keeping a professional and insightful website is a vitally imperative. You need to have a smartly and a very well-written content to have such a excellent website that can keep people interested in scrolling through your website. You will also have to utilize keywords sensibly for search engine optimization. Competent New York SEO providers can assist you distinguish the appropriate keywords and place them strategically within your content. They can also assist you to generate or acquire a top quality content which will make your business website at the top of any search engine page whenever customers will search for your company or service type.

Preferably, a website needs to be interesting and engaging. If it is so, then this will keep visitors on the website and they will be sufficiently engaged to read and learn more about the most significant items in which you are seeking to let them know about. Eventually, you can also attain the objective of gaining more clients to your business and converting those visits to your website into sales. These would seem like easy concepts, but it could be tricky to do it properly and efficiently unless you are being assisted by SEO professionals who are skilled in the best approaches to rank your website on top.

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SEO as a the Perfect Marketing Strategy

The main aim of an efficient SEO strategy would be to rank your web page highly within the results of the search engine, which ideally should be on the first page. It is projected that sites appearing on Google’s first page results will obtain around 91% of the traffic. People typically do not want to scroll further down through pages of results and they will usually just click on one of the results which they can find on the first page Factors contributing to an effective and reliable SEO strategy typically involve:

Links in the Content That Works

If you have links on your business website, make absolutely sure that it will take a viewer precisely to the website where you intend them to go and that those links operate smoothly to deliver you the results you want.

Interesting and Insightful Content

Take steps to ensure that your website content is engaging, insightful and provides the reader with information that they can use. This will keep your website readers longer and prevent them from using the dreaded back button to get away from your page. For the best possible results, you want readers to stay longer on your website.

A SEO Strategy That Is Customized for Your Business

Here is where it is relevant to get assistance from a professional SEO service provider. You need to have the best SEO plan in place, ideally a specific and well-considered strategy developed by someone who knows your company and its services thoroughly. They must also be able to provide your clients with information effectively, using keywords which are well-chosen for the most viable optimization plan.

Optimized Images

Images create an extra dimension of efficiency to convey or enhance your website content. You would not want images which are too buggy when loading or too large for your website. This will make the images rather distracting than adding real value to your content.

The best way to get the favourable results in which you are expecting to get through your website is to secure the services of skilled people in SEO management.

 A knowledgeable and proactive SEO professional will be able to bring many things into consideration when enabling to have your business website rank high in search engine results. They will bring into the picture a solid growth strategy which may not have been there before. They will also be able to assist the business in keeping track of the ever-changing rankings in order to free your business managers and leaders for all other relevant responsibilities. Professional SEOs have the real enthusiasm and commitment to make your website the best and most efficient that it can be. They have exposure and knowledge to supervising aids and information so that they can work to keep things on your website new and up to date.

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Search Engine Optimization Versus Pay-Per-Click Mon, 21 Nov 2022 01:37:56 +0000 Many people do anything and everything to get traffic to their website. But what are actually the best ways to get traffic to your website? Well, I decided to narrow it down to two strategies: SEO and PPC. People tend to use one or the other, but throughout this article I want to discuss the […]

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Many people do anything and everything to get traffic to their website. But what are actually the best ways to get traffic to your website? Well, I decided to narrow it down to two strategies: SEO and PPC. People tend to use one or the other, but throughout this article I want to discuss the benefits of both and why you should use both methods to your advantage.

Let’s kick things off with SEO…

When building the pages of your website, you must choose targeted keywords that represents your website’s theme (remember to make sure your keyword appears high on the page, preferably within the first 100 characters–the spiders love it). Search engine optimization is the way you present those keywords to all the search engines. With seo, you are basically optimizing your pages to make sure that all the search engines know what your pages are about (optimizing your pages also ensures that you will be listed as high as possible on the search results pages for your keywords). Since we want to optimize our pages so that the search engines can find our keywords easier and faster, we must write pages that include the following:

  • Keywords in all of the title/meta tags
  • Keywords in text links
  • Keywords in headlines
  • Keywords body text
  • Keywords in description

Don’t spend too much time rewriting all of your pages to get everything perfect; just do the basics and let your powerful content take over.

Content and links are the most important factors in SEO

Content: You are going to need good content along with relevant keywords.

Content is, by far, the most important element in search engine optimization. When visitors arrive to a website, they expect to find what ever they are looking for. If you don’t have what they’re looking for, they will quickly press the back button and find answers on another site. With that being said, search engines judge human reaction to your website. They look at how long visitors stay on your site; if they link to your site; and how many pages they go through on your site. If you rely too much only on getting clicks on search engine results pages and not focusing enough on content, you will suffer in the long run.

Your main goal should be to build quality content that you know your visitors will love. When you have quality content, everything seems to take care of itself:

You will have your visitors publish you RSS feed

You will receive plenty of one-way incoming links from people who like your site and decide to link to it (very important)

Once the engines see good human reaction like this, you will rank higher and higher for your keywords (remember, if you want your keywords to show up faster, you must use the right keywords: relevant, low supply, and high demand).

Lets not forget, at the end of the day, the search engines want websites with high quality content that are relevant to the keyword/phrase a person has entered.

There is no need to over analyzing your site to perfection; just make sure you have enough on page hooks so the that the search engines can know what your pages are about.

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Links: Your site is only as good as the amount of quality incoming links

Inbound links helps the spiders get to, and crawl, your website. You need quality inbound links… search engines measure the amount of quality links coming into a site over time. If you don’t have a high enough link popularity, the search engines will occasionally drop you. One way to get some quality links is to link exchange with similar themed websites.

While we pay attention to all aspects of SEO, we must not forget what determines the quality of a website. Search engines measure the quality of your pages by human reaction; that is why exchanging links with relevant websites is still important. When you exchange links with another relevant website, the search engines know that someone thought highly enough of your website to request a link exchange. When you link with a site that is related to yours, the search engines give your site more points. Links coming into your site helps give you a high ranking for your keywords at all search engines. This will, in time, increase your page rank–ultimately increasing your traffic.

One-way links…

The only two other ways to get links is to either buy them or have people link to your site automatically. Search engines are starting to penalize people who buy links to artificially boost their page rank; so, I wouldn’t try this at the moment. Buying links is risky business; doing it might cause your website to get banned from search engines.

The other incoming links you get are when people like your site and automatically one-way link to it. This how you should get most of your incoming links. And this brings us back to high quality content: If people love what you have written (whether it be in a forum, one of your articles, or your website), they will have no problem linking to your site.

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Pay-per-click advertising…

The next type of traffic was going to look at is pay-per-click traffic. While search engine optimization is more of a slow and organic process, PPC advertising allows you to receive instant traffic. The only downside to this kind of traffic is that you have to pay for it. So, what you want to do is get the best return on investment you possibly can.

If you are going to use pay-per-click advertising please stick with AdWords. Google AdWords is the biggest, and by far the best, PPC service available. Using it, you are able to have scalable results instantly. When you use an AdWords campaign to promote various products and services, you will know what’s working and what’s not working right away. So, the goal is to use Google’s AdWords advertising service to test your products and your websites to see what makes you money and what does not.

A novice might think all she has to do is bid on a few keywords to use in her PPC campaign and pay every time someone clicks on her ads that show up under “sponsored links” on the search engine results page for those words. You get great feedback instantly; sounds simple enough, right? But there is so much more to it than that. If you don’t run your AdWords campaigns properly and track your results, you won’t be making money; you will be losing money… fast. So, the key here is managing your campaign.

AdWords is kind of difficult to figure out at first; anyone who has ever used it will tell you that. The PPC market is super competitive (and even more so for the niches that generate the most money) and the only way to have success is to…

  • Learn how to write relevant ads
  • Keep a close eye on your competition
  • Do some extensive keyword research
  • Learn how to target ads
  • Learn how to create adgroups the right way
  • Learn how to bid
  • Learn how to avoid using overpriced terms
  • When and when not to use the content network
  • What to have on your landing pages
  • Advantages and disadvantages of direct linking
  • How to choose the right products
  • And much more

Bonus Tip: Use PPC advertising while you wait for your free traffic

The best way to take advantage of AdWords is to use it while you apply your SEO strategies. Because SEO is organic, it can take a while before you receive free traffic from the search engines. PPC click can bring you traffic in the meantime. When you start receiving loads of free traffic, you can then cut back on your campaign spending. If you use this strategy for all of your websites, you will always have traffic coming into your site.

I honestly believe you should use both methods (SEO and PPC advertising) to get traffic to your site. People tend to use one or the other. But why not use both? Instead of waiting months for the free traffic to kick in, you could be getting scalable results using AdWords in the meantime. Just be sure to work within your budget.

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How Cybersecurity Affects Your SEO: Can You Do Anything About It? Tue, 15 Nov 2022 02:22:21 +0000 Are you aware that your website’s security can directly affect your SEO? Cyber-security is not only vital for the protection of your business data and resources, but it can also change your traffic from search engines. Google regards most of the effects brought about by hacking or breaching as a negative ranking factor. Apart from […]

The post How Cybersecurity Affects Your SEO: Can You Do Anything About It? appeared first on TodayTechMedia.

Are you aware that your website’s security can directly affect your SEO? Cyber-security is not only vital for the protection of your business data and resources, but it can also change your traffic from search engines.
Google regards most of the effects brought about by hacking or breaching as a negative ranking factor. Apart from providing quality information to its users, search engines value user experience and work on making the internet a safe place. Thus cybersecurity and SEO are interdependent when it comes to your firm’s online reputation.
If you found out that your business website has been plummeting in Google rankings recently, there is a good chance that your site has been hacked.
But who are the targets of hackers?
You might probably think the hackers are targeting well set up businesses, but a Data Breach Investigation Report by Verizon reveals otherwise. Small companies are on the receiving end of almost 60 percent of cyberattacks.
It is because the small business owners/ entrepreneurs lack the expertise to implement effective cybersecurity measures. These businesses are also running on limited budgets and have little or no resources for protecting their website.

Here’s How a Website Hack Can Affect Your Website’s SEO:

1.A Compromised Site Can Draw Search Engine Punishment

Google and other search engines react to malware, phishing attacks, and unwanted software as they can ruin user experience or put sensitive user data to threat. If Google finds a 503 or 404 error on your webpage, it will punish your site.

Google’s Manual Actions to your website will impact its ranking, and sometimes, your site will even be removed. Also, if you get back your site, the revenue lost during the downtime may be damaging from your business.

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2.SEO Content Can Be Spammed

It may sound surprising, but cybercriminals are not only looking to compromise your site by stealing data but with other goals and objectives as well.
As per a recent study, the market leader in domains and web hosting, 73.9 percent of cyber-attacks made against websites are SEO-based.

Cybercriminals hack sites and alter the contents using different tactics such as creating new covert web pages, adding outbound links to a website, and configuring the website to reveal something totally different to Google.
These activities can cause your site to get blacklisted by the search engines, losing hard-earned ranking positions, and damaging your business reputation.

3.Malicious Bots Deter Search Engine Crawling

There are good bots like Googlebot and Bingbots which search engines use to gather some ranking parameters on website pages and index them. But malicious bots such as scrapers, spammers, hacking bots, and click fraud can crawl your site. They can scrap your content and steal your data while negatively affecting your SEO ranking.
As per the 2019 Bad Bod Report, the percentage of bad bot crawling the sites with malicious intent increased from 6 percent to 20 percent. These bad bots can deter search engine crawling and negatively affect your site’s traffic.
In case you encounter 503 or 404 error while surfing web pages on Google Search Console, most likely, the bad bots have interfered with search engine bots. Hence, your server ceases to serve these pages while dropping the effectiveness of your SEO.
This infographic from WhaTech clearly shows the rising percentage of bad bots:

What Measures Can You Take?

Keeping your site safe from hackers is equally important as improving your site’s ranking. Focus on SEO as well as cybersecurity to stay ahead of the game.
Here are some tips which you can implement:

Watch Out For Early Signs of a Cyberattack

Your site may start behaving oddly when your website security system is attacked.

  • Don’t ignore Google alerts and notifications

In case Google alerts you, or you notice a ‘Site Not Accessible’ warning in your search results, it is an indication of your site being hacked. Make confirmation by registering your site in Google Search Console. You can go to the Security Issues section, and search for the hacked URLs that Google has identified.

  • Be wary of suspicious JS code

Most of the cyber attackers use suspicious JavaScript code to take charge of sensitive information. They can steal your credit card data or passwords on the site. Get rid of any suspicious-looking code in the source code without delay.

  • You can’t log in with your password

When you can’t log in to your site with your password, it is a sign that hackers have changed your password. The system will show an ‘Invalid Password’ message.

  • You are bugged by recurring random popups or error messages

If a hacker has used cross-site scripting or has injected malicious code into the website code, you will often see pop-ups, error messages, and spammy ads. Hackers do this to bypass your site’s security system. Start scanning for malicious software if you encounter such issues.

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Make Cybersecurity a Vital Part of Your SEO Strategy

Unless you take adequate measures to protect your users, search engines will penalize your site. Taking action when you get Google’s safe browsing alerts and notifications are great but not enough. You should try to monitor and understand the security system of your web by taking practical steps.

Consider hiring an experienced web security professional to assist you in spotting the vulnerabilities in the system. Building a preventative cyber defense strategy can protect your business. You can also look for paid online cybersecurity services such as SiteLock to notify you in case of any suspicious activity.

Final Note

If you allow cyberattackers to hack your website, it will not only considerably harm the profitability of your business but will take away customers and blemish your business reputation too.

And it is not always easy to detect malware. It can sometimes take even months.

Won’t it hurt your site’s rankings during the downtime?

It is better to stay ahead of the game and implement the best cybersecurity practices to safeguard your site. The earlier you come to know about a cyber attack, the better.

Also, don’t shy away from taking appropriate cybersecurity certifications to make yourself aware of

Have you implemented cybersecurity as a part of your business’ SEO strategy? If your answer is no, consider taking quick measures to take your business’ SEO strategy to the next level while safeguarding your site.

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Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs SEO Mon, 03 Oct 2022 01:46:26 +0000 What do you do when you are researching a product, service or need an immediate answer to a question? No doubt, you head to Google to perform a search. You are not alone- 93% of all website traffic is driven by search engines. For small businesses, adding search engine optimization strategies to your marketing campaigns […]

The post Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs SEO appeared first on TodayTechMedia.

What do you do when you are researching a product, service or need an immediate answer to a question? No doubt, you head to Google to perform a search. You are not alone- 93% of all website traffic is driven by search engines.

For small businesses, adding search engine optimization strategies to your marketing campaigns is becoming a necessity.

The backbone of every successful business is its customers. To bring traffic to your business and gain potential leads, you need to make your website visible to search engines. This is where SEO comes into play.

With most potential buyers researching products online before making a purchase, you need your website to be search-engine-friendly. SEO helps your website rank higher in search engine results to build your business’s online presence and boost traffic to your site.

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For your small business to be seen, heard and trusted within your industry, you need to implement SEO into your strategy to take your brand awareness to the next level. This article highlights the importance of SEO and explains how small businesses can benefit from this strategy.

Local SEO

For any business with a physical location, local SEO is extremely valuable, as it allows businesses to target people in the area where their business resides.

Because of this, incorporating local SEO into your small business marketing strategy has tons of benefits. It focuses on specific towns, cities, regions and states, enabling potential customers in your vicinity to find you quickly during their time of need.

Even if you are just starting, incorporating local SEO gives you a competitive advantage against other local businesses.

Mobile users can easily find you on search engines, directories and social media, as well as Google maps and other navigation apps.

Local citations are an important aspect of local SEO, so make sure your online citations are up to date. Components of a citation always include a business name, address and phone number, also known as NAP.

Local SEO not only allows you to bring in web traffic, if you have a physical location, it will bring in more phone and foot traffic, thus increasing your business’s revenue.

Increase Website Traffic

You can drive visitors to your website one of two ways – organically or by using paid search/pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. SEO pulls in traffic organically, allowing you to be found without the associated costs of PPC or advertising. Organic traffic delivers high-quality leads because your potential buyers are motivated to buy. In fact, 70% of the links users click are organic.

Potential customers search organically for your product or service using industry keywords. Using SEO can help you rank for those keywords and put your business on the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs), bringing more potential customers to your website.

With SEO, small businesses can increase their sales faster than if they weren’t using SEO. Website leads convert at a higher rate because the buyer is actively searching with intent to buy.

Less Money Spent on Advertising

SEO is cheaper than other marketing strategies and it brings a higher return on investment. Instead of buying expensive advertisements in hopes of gaining business, SEO helps businesses achieve a more targeted approach to gaining leads.

Understanding your target market will help you better decide what keywords to target in order to get yourself in front of the right audience.

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Builds Trust and Credibility

In today’s marketing environment, buyers value trust and credibility. With the right SEO strategies in place, your small business can start to build its authority on search engines over time, boosting your brand’s credibility within your industry.

Potential customers are more likely to trust a website appearing on the first page of major search engines than other brands without a strong web presence.

Website elements play a huge role in your site’s authority on search engines, which may take time to build. Other factors contributing to overall authority can include:

  • Clean, user-friendly website
  • Optimized on-page content
  • Quality backlinks

Helps Educate Customers

Most buyers research their products online before making a purchase and buyers turn to search engines when they want to find information quickly. However, they won’t find it if it’s buried on the second or third pages of the search engines. By using SEO, you put your content at the forefront of their research.

Think about it like this, if a user has a certain question, they usually type that question right into the search engine. You can be the answer to the user’s question by targeting the right keywords, thus educating potential customers and moving one step closer to finalizing a sale.

Let’s look at a real-life example. Say the consumer searched “how do I change a flat tire?” More than likely, the consumer will click on the first site located at the top of the SERP to find the answer to their question.

If they don’t find the answer they’re looking for, they will continue to look through the first page of the SERP until they find it.

With the right strategy, your small business can climb its way to the top of the search engines and provide your consumers with the answers they’re searching for.

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Long-Term Success

SEO is here to stay. It may evolve as Google and other search engines adjust their algorithms, but it will always be an important strategy for boosting traffic and sales.

While SEO doesn’t produce results overnight, if your SEO efforts are successful, your website will remain on SERPs and continue to have an impact long term.

The more effort you put into your SEO over time, the more your authority will grow, putting you at the top of the search engine results pages and making your business one of the leaders in your industry.

Improves the functionality of your website

User experience is an essential element for any website and SEO can help improve your website’s user experience and functionality.

Webpages that are properly structured and visually appealing will help decrease your bounce rate and keep your users engaged.

Having a mobile-friendly website is also an extremely important aspect of the overall user experience. Mobile optimization refers to the ability for your website to be accessed from mobile devices with a design that will adapt to the proper screen size.

Since users are generally searching from their mobile devices, Google released its mobile-first indexing, which ranks a site’s content using the mobile version versus desktop. Site design, site speed and site structure are all analyzed.

The most important way to make your site mobile-friendly is making sure your site has a responsive design. Responsive design allows your site to respond and adjust properly to any screen that is accessing it.

In this example, we can see how ShareAble for Hires site design adjusts accordingly from desktop view to mobile view.

Desktop View:

Mobile View:

Notice how the navigation bar located at the top of the screen on the desktop view is now conveniently located in a drop-down menu in the left corner of the mobile view.

Site speed is also one of the ranking factors that Google analyzes when crawling a page. The slower the page speed, the fewer pages Google can crawl, thus impacting your indexation. Page speed doesn’t only affect SEO, it has an impact on the overall user-experience.

Improving the functionality of your website will not only benefit your users, but the search engines as well.


When looking to grow, SEO is one of the smartest decisions small businesses can make. If you’re a small business owner, consider implementing strategies like those mentioned above. If your business does not at least have some presence online, it won’t be able to survive in the digital age. Implementing SEO strategies offers many benefits to your business and helps potential customers find your website and share your content, increasing your opportunities to gain new customers.

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